Fertilization & Weed Control
Lawn Control - we fertilize and maintain healthy lawns and advise on how the customer can properly manage their lawn. We can control and prevent oxalis, clover, and many other common broadleaf weeds. We also will identify and take care of snow mold, melt out, red thread, necrotic ring spot, chinch bugs, grubs, and crane fly. Proper watering will prevent many of these lawn issues. We can come take soil plugs and advice on the proper way to water your grass.
The typical package we offer for fertilizer is 6 applications. We start in early spring. We then do an application in late spring, early summer, late summer, fall and lastly a winterization application. Weed control touch ups in the lawn throughout the season are also apart of our applications.
Weed Control - we control dandelions, crabgrass, bugloss, knapweed, skeletonweed, canadian thistle, spurge, scotch thistle, mustard weed, and many other common weeds. Typically we start with an application in early spring and then do four follow ups as the season goes on.